The picture above is the resort where we stayed. It wasn't on the beach, but had nice views of the countryside. Here are some more pics:
Outside of the Brazilian-style churrascaria restaurant we ate at, which serves all-you-can-eat meat. These types of restaurants are pretty popular in Portugal, given the Brazilian influence.
Orange grove on the way to the beach
We forgot to take pictures of the beach, but here we are on the promenade
John playing his best
There was a random performance by this group who were dressed in a very old style. Apparently they were from some tiny mountain town in Portugal, where they still celebrate their heritage by doing dances. We couldn't really figure out why they were performing at the soccer tournament.
During one of their "dances" they stopped, embraced each other, and started miming an act you wouldn't normally do in public! It was hilarious, and I was trying not to laugh too loudly as I took some photos.
Here is John and his team winning their second-place medals.
And here are the Brazilians. Can you tell they are very enthusiastic in their celebrating?
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