We had a fun time showing Elise and Heather around Lisbon. The two of them took a very relaxed approach about seeing the city and its sights, which was fine by us!
The night we got in was Saturday night, so we took them down to the Bairro Alto, which is Lisbon's hopping bar scene. It doesn't get going until after midnight, and by 2 am the streets are filled with people talking, walking around with their beers, just hanging out. We stopped by a Cuban place that is always good for dancing, and then on to a place we'd been before that always has live Brazilian music.
Check out the guy walking around with his own personal jug of wine!
The next day started with Lisbon's best pizza
On to Lisbon's beautiful castle up on the hill overlooking the city. Here is a view from up there.
After seeing the sights in Belem (the area of Lisbon associated with the Portuguese Age of Discovery), we stopped to have the world's best pasteis de natas, or custard tarts. They may not look like much, but they are absolutely delicious. It's a must for anyone visiting Lisbon to try them. 
We had dinner and listened to traditional Portuguese singing, called Fado, that night. There were quite a few different singers performing, and it sounded more beautiful than I had expected it to. The best part was the main singer had a huge crush on Heather and was singing to her throughout most of the performance!
The next day was a beach day.

Wine, bread, cheese, fruit and......Texas Hold 'Em!
Oh yeah, the Pope decided to come visit Lisbon at the same time as our guests! Here is the stage they built him right on the water in Lisbon's old town.
It was fun to have our first visitors. Who's next??? My mom and sister in July!
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