On Saturday, we stayed inside and watched the snow come down all day. I think I might have seen heavier snow for short periods while skiing, but the snow just kept falling at the same rate all day. On Saturday night, cabin fever had set in and we wanted to get out and see how everything looked. One advantage to living in Chinatown was that there was a movie theater three blocks away that stayed open until 10 p.m. despite the storm. We saw Up in the Air, which was really good.
Sunday was much better. The sun was out and I walked to the grocery store. It hasn't gotten above freezing, so the snow really isn't melting. Since a lot of areas don't have their roads cleared yet, the entire federal government was shut down on Monday. Everyone was excited about the holiday...except me. I have my final language test on Tuesday morning and it's always tough to speak after a weekend, especially a long one. Wish me luck! I may need it.
Enjoy a few of our Snowpocalypse '09 pictures.
Hill and her friend, Elise, as the snow begins

From our balcony